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Questions? Comments? Contact the Newport Chemical Depot Reuse Authority at:
259 Vine Street or send us an email at:
LATEST PROJECT NEWS August 1, 2010: Reuse Update Since the completion of the Reuse Plan at the end of 2009, the NeCDRA and its consultants have been busy working on several follow-up technical studies and in preparing the documents necessary to request and receive the Depot property from the Army. These projects include:
Infrastructure Master Plan - the proposed location, capacity, and phasing for future trunk infrastructure systems such as water and sewer lines at the Depot. Boundary Survey - an in-the-field survey to establish the official boundaries and legal description to the Depot property to be transferred to the NeCDRA. Economic Development Conveyance Application - the document required by the Department of Defense to be submitted that officially requests and justifies the transfer of the property from the Army to the NeCDRA through an Economic Development Conveyance.
December 16, 2009: Complete Reuse Plan Report Document The planning team has completed making final revisions to the Reuse Plan report document and appendices. Please use the links below to view or download them.
You may also view these documents in person at the Vermillion County courthouse or the Newport Chemical Depot Reuse Authority offices in the Clinton City Hall building. November 23, 2009: NeCDRA Approves Reuse Plan
At their meeting on Thursday, November
19, the Newport Chemical Depot Reuse Authority board officially
approved the proposed Newport Chemical Depot Reuse Plan and Homeless
Assistance Submission! November 13, 2009: Public Hearing Set for November 19 A public hearing will be held on Thursday, November 19 on the adoption of the Newport Chemical Depot Homeless Assistance Submission and Reuse Plan. The hearing will take place as part of the NeCDRA's regularly scheduled meeting, starting at 6:30 PM at the Clinton City Council chambers at 259 Vine Street in Clinton. November 11, 2009: Newport Chemical Depot Reuse Plan - DRAFT REPORT UPDATE The link below contains an slightly updated version of the draft Reuse Plan report. Newport Chemical Depot Reuse Plan - DRAFT 2009-11-09 (11.8 mb - PDF) October 20, 2009: Newport Chemical Depot Reuse Plan - DRAFT REPORT The first draft of the Newport Chemical Depot Reuse Plan as a complete document is presented below. After receiving comments on this draft plan from the public, other stakeholders, and NeCDRA board members, the planning team will make necessary edits and prepare, in early November, the final Reuse Plan document with appendices, for adoption by the NeCDRA board at their November 19, 2009 board meeting. Newport Chemical Depot Reuse Plan - DRAFT 2009-10-20 (13.5 mb - PDF) October 1, 2009: NeCDRA Homeless Assistance Application The document posted below ("NeCDRA Homeless Assistance Application 2009-10-01") is a draft copy of the NeCDRA's Homeless Assistance Application to the federal government. This document references under "Section (a) Redevelopment Plan" an attachment called "Exhibit A". That "Exhibit A" attachment is the "Draft NeCD Reuse Master Plan Report 2009-09-23" document presented in the September 24, 2009 news item below. Together, these two documents constitute the required posting of the NeCDRA's Homeless Assistance Application for public review. NeCDRA Homeless Assistance Application (2009-10-01) (21 kb - PDF) September 24, 2009: NeCD Draft Reuse Master Plan Report To meet federal requirements regarding the NeCDRA's Homeless Assistance submission, the draft NeCD Draft Reuse Plan report must be made available for public review at this time. That document is available using the link below. Please note that the federal government does not required that the report be complete at this time; in fact, it is acceptable for there to be missing text, exhibits, and other report elements as long as the overall report structure is evident. Over the course of the next month, the planning team will be completing the remaining report sections, adding photographs and additional exhibits, improving the report's graphics, and performing a major quality review/proofreading before presenting the report to the NeCDRA in mid-October. Once complete, the final Reuse Master Plan report and appendices will be made available here on this Information page. Draft NeCD Reuse Master Plan Report (2009-09-23) (7.6 mb - PDF) September 21, 2009: Daily Clintonian Article The Daily Clintonian published on September 18, 2009 an informative article about the NeCD reuse planning process. Please read it in PDF format below: "Depot's Closing, Reuse Controlled by Authority" (247 kb - PDF) September 18, 2009: NeCDRA Board Moves Forward with Preferred Plan At their regular monthly board meeting on Thursday, September 17, the NeCDRA board of directors voted unanimously to advance the Preferred Reuse Plan map, presented the evening before at Public Meeting # 3, as the draft Reuse Master Plan map and instructed the Matrix planning team to complete the Reuse Master Plan report document based on that map. The draft Reuse Master Plan report will be prepared over the next month and presented to the board at their October meeting for formal adoption. Once approved by the NeCDRA board, the final electronic and paper versions of the report will be prepared and made available for public distribution. September 17, 2009: Public Meeting # 3 Summary
Many thanks
to the 60 or so citizens who attended Public Meeting # 3 on
September 16. At the meeting, the planning team presented the
Preferred Reuse Plan and received comments and questions from the
audience. Overall, the plan was well received and many citizens
expressed support for the project.
August 21, 2009: Reuse Plan Concepts The planning team has completed the creation of three reuse plan concepts from which the Preferred Reuse Plan will evolve. They are presented in the Reuse Plan Concepts section below. The public's input on these reuse plan concepts is encouraged! What themes from the plan concepts do you like or dislike? What combination, location, or configuration of elements would you like to see in the Preferred Reuse Plan? Based on public input as well as physical, market/economic, and environmental factors, the planning team will craft from these three plan concepts a single Preferred Reuse Plan that will be presented at Public Meeting # 3 on September 16. Please email your input on the plan concepts by September 7 to: comments@necdra.com. July 6, 2009: Concept Plan Work Starting Now that the Existing Conditions and Visioning phases have been completed, the project team has been working since June on the process of developing a number of draft concept plan alternatives--different combinations and locations for a variety of future uses at the Depot. These draft concept plans will evolve over the course of the summer, with a Preferred Reuse Plan presented to the public at Public Meeting # 3 in September. Stay tuned! May 20, 2009: Public Meeting # 2 a Success! Many thanks to the dozens of citizens who came out to Public Meeting # 2 on May 16 and participated in the visioning process! Your feedback is a critical component of developing the Reuse Master Plan. Not only did many adults participate in Public Meeting # 2, but the day before, on Friday May 15, the project team conducted the same visioning exercise with about 30 students from North and South Vermillion High Schools. The students' input was well received and greatly appreciated! May 12, 2009: Public Meeting # 2 Presentation and Visioning Survey
The NeCDRA and the consultant team will present an overview of the
project and the results of the team's Existing Conditions data
collection and analysis at Public Meeting # 2 on May 16, 2009. Also
at the meeting, the public will participate in a visioning exercise
consisting of a special survey about future land uses at the Depot.
A copy of both the PowerPoint presentation that will be shown at
Public Meeting # 2 and the Visioning Survey are available in PDF
format using the links below:
If you are unable to attend Public Meeting # 2 but would like to complete the Visioning Survey, please print the survey, complete it, and mail, fax, or drop it off to the NeCDRA office at the address shown to the left. May 11, 2009: Draft Existing Conditions Maps Thirty draft Existing Conditions maps have been posted in the Existing Conditions Maps section below for public review. These maps will also be presented at Public Meeting # 2 on Saturday, May 16. May 8, 2009: Public Benefit Conveyance Notice of Interest Documents The NeCDRA has received four Notices of Interest for Public Benefit Conveyance. A PDF copy of each of the four notices are posted below in the Project Documents section. April 23, 2009: Homeless / Notices of Interest Received The Homeless Outreach process began on November 28, 2008 with a publication in the local newspaper and letters sent in the mail. The process ended on March 23, 2009 with the deadline for submitting a “notice of interest” (NOI). There were no notices received from any homeless providers. The following NOI's were received in regard to public benefit conveyances: Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Wabash River Heritage Corridor, Sycamore Trails RC & D and the Vermillion County Parks and Recreation Board. These NOI’s will be considered during the process of developing the reuse plan. April 14, 2009: Planning Team Completes Focus Group Meetings
Over the past few weeks, the Matrix planning team conducted three
focus group meetings aimed at gathering and discussing detailed
existing conditions data relating to land use, infrastructure, and
economic development. April 13, 2009: Planning Team Wraps Up NeCD Facility Assessment Facility architects and engineers from Matrix Design Group completed in early April a three-day intensive survey of key buildings located on NeCD property, as part of the planning team's existing conditions data collection effort. The structures in the survey were selected based on their condition, size, and likelihood of reuse after the depot closes. Each survey included an inspection and documentation of the building's structural components, utility systems, room layout, and other attributes important to understanding how the facility could be adaptively reused in the future. The results of the Facility Assessment will be made available in the Project Documents section below in May. April 3, 2009: NeCDRA Hires Executive Director
At their
March 26 monthly meeting, the Newport Chemical Depot Reuse Authority
board officially hired Bill Laubernds as the NeCDRA's new Executive
Director. For more detail about the hiring process and Bill's
background, please read the notice posted below: April 2, 2009: Existing Conditions Data Collection and Analysis is Underway Throughout March and April, the project team is focusing its efforts on gathering and analyzing data relating to a variety of existing on-base and off-base conditions. Understanding what currently exists in and around the depot serves as an important step in the planning process before possible reuse plan alternatives can be devised. Areas that the planning team are investigating in terms of existing conditions include, among others:
These existing conditions will be presented to the public at Public Meeting # 2 in May. Also, we'll be adding maps of these existing conditions to the Project Maps section below as we get closer to the May meeting. February 25, 2009: Public Meeting # 1 a Success! Approximately 60 people attended the first public meeting for the Newport Chemical Depot Reuse Master Plan project on February 24 at North Vermillion High School. Jack Fenoglio, NeCDRA President, welcomed the crowd and gave an overview of the history of the Authority and the project to date. Jack then introduced Tim Dreese and Ken Schroeppel from Matrix Design Group, who presented an overview of the project and took questions and comments from the audience. Use the links below for a copy of the PowerPoint presentation from Public Meeting # 1, the list compiled during the meeting of the public's spoken comments and ideas, and an article about the meeting from the Daily Clintonian newspaper:
Overview: The planning team has created three reuse plan concepts (A, B, and C) from which the Preferred Reuse Plan will evolve. The reuse plan concepts are not intended as independent “solutions” for reuse of the Depot. Instead, they present a collection of plan “elements” in different combinations, locations, and configurations, intentionally varied across the three concepts to illuminate multiple reuse opportunities. The plan concepts increase in land area devoted to non-agricultural development from A (least) to C (most). The eventual Preferred Reuse Plan will likely be a hybrid of themes and elements from these different plan concepts. The plan concepts are based on key principles important to the Newport Chemical Depot Reuse Authority and the community:
Themes Common to All Reuse Plan Concepts:
Land Use Descriptions:
This section provides a brief description of the different land use categories found across the three plan concept maps. The various non-agricultural land uses shown on the concept maps are long-term land use designations. Until market demand justifies their development, these areas would remain in their existing agricultural or natural use. The same will be true for the Preferred Reuse Plan.
Natural Conservation Areas. Land shown with this designation would remain in its natural state into the future, featuring forests, native prairie areas, and other existing natural systems. Compatible activities such as hunting, fishing, camping, and hiking are potential uses within the Natural Conservation Areas.
Agriculture & Forestry. These areas would allow for a variety of agricultural uses typically found in the region (such as planted crops and livestock grazing) as well as tree plantations and timber harvesting. Native prairie areas found within Agriculture & Forestry land could be preserved or used for prairie hay or other agricultural production.
Business & Technology. Areas identified as Business & Technology could accommodate a wide variety of uses such as office / industrial parks, research and testing facilities, manufacturing and production, storage and distribution, energy production, agribusiness, educational, and institutional uses.
Highway-Oriented Commercial. This designation could include uses such as auto / truck service plazas, restaurants, hotels, and convenience stores.
Energy Research & Production. An area specifically designated for larger-scale energy production and energy-related educational, research and development, storage, and distribution activities.
Agribusiness Education & Research. This area could include test fields, greenhouses, and similar facilities or sites related to agribusiness education and research.
Natural Systems Education & Research. An area that could include sites or facilities oriented to education and research on the region's flora and fauna, climate, geology, hydrology, or other environmental conditions.
Shared Research and Conference Facilities. An area designated for a conference facility shared by all users at the Depot and available to the community at large, as well as other educational, research, or support facilities and services that promote collaboration or economies of scale for Depot users. Reuse Plan Concept "A" Summary and Map: Plan Concept A provides the most amount of land for both agriculture and natural areas, with approximately 76% of the land designated for those uses, and approximately 24% for business and technology development. Plan Concept A focuses business and technology uses primarily in the areas where current or former military facilities exist, and buffers those uses from Highway 63 with agriculture. The transportation framework for Plan Concept A minimizes new roadway investments by upgrading existing Depot roads to create a simple U-shaped arterial road that provides access to the three business and technology areas.
Reuse Plan Concept "B" Summary and Map: Plan Concept B provides approximately 65% of the land for natural conservation and agricultural development, and approximately 35% for other types of development. Plan Concept B promotes an energy and research emphasis to the Depot's reuse. Specific areas are designated for energy production, business and technology, agribusiness, and natural systems uses and research activities, that are oriented around a central "commons" that would provide land for a conference center and other shared or support services and facilities. The transportation framework for Plan Concept B includes a new arterial parkway that provides access to the various land use districts and emphasizes the central hub.
Reuse Plan Concept "C" Summary and Map: Plan Concept C provides a closer balance between natural conservation, agriculture, and industrial development, with approximately 48% of the land designated for natural conservation or agriculture, and approximately 52% for business and technology uses. Plan Concept C consolidates agricultural uses to the western edge of the Depot and designates the remaining non-conservation areas for general business and technology uses to create multiple "mega-site" development areas. Smaller districts for business uses are provided along Highway 63. Plan Concept C's transportation framework relies on an arterial parkway across the Depot that provides access to all land use districts and creates a regional east-west connection between Highways 63 and 71.
Throughout the Reuse Master Plan process, a number of maps showing existing and proposed conditions and uses will be prepared by the project team for consideration by the NeCDRA and the public. Maps will be added or refined as the project moves forward. All maps are in PDF format, 11" x 17" in dimension, and range from approximately 200 kb to 400 kb in file size. Map names include the date posted, as newer versions of a map may be posted over time.
Existing Conditions Maps:
For more information on the Newport Chemical Depot, please visit www.cma.army.mil
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